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  1. defjack

    Jack and Mark ride the SART

    I had a good time and want to do some more rides on the SART trail.Its always fun riding with Mark. Jack
  2. defjack

    Southern California Cruz-in

    Im having trouble logging on to the computer but will be at Loma Linda park around 8 on sat. Jack
  3. defjack


    Mark sounds like a great ride.The PCH is one place I try to avoid.You will have to slow down some next sat. Jack
  4. defjack

    Qring update

    I have my Qrings working ok now but just wanted to check for the best position. Went to Bentup cycles today and today I wsa off quite a bit.I was lucky I went in because the mechanic found the pivet bolt on the front derailer was about ready to fall off that would be no fun on a long...
  5. defjack

    Qring update

    Went for a ride today to check everything out and everything works great including shifting.I did get a flat from a staple last week got one from a thorn. Jack
  6. defjack

    Southern California Cruz-in

    I will be there with a Silvio. Its kind of fun to ride new areas. Jack
  7. defjack


    This is how its set up for now.
  8. defjack

    1 year on my Silvio

    =3000 miles im not kidding this bike is great.I went from 10-15 mile rides to 50-60 mile rides with no pain. Jack
  9. defjack


    Heres an update on my Q rings. First I followed the Recumbent instructions and after a 45 mile ride didnt notice much change.Next I started trying different ring positions.I tried about 10 holes untill there was one that felt pretty good.Did the same 45 mile ride on the new position and that...
  10. defjack

    Silvio Bentrider Review

    Thats good news.When people see my Silvio they dont know just how much of a good bike they are looking at. Jack
  11. defjack


    They came in today they went on ok just had to play around with the derailer some. Got the derailer to clear the rings and shift ok. Just need to play around with the settings some more.You need to print the recumbent instructions from the Rotor web site. Jack
  12. defjack

    Santa Monica to Oakland?

    Marks right but im in San Diego for the next 2 weeks. Have a Silvio and Giant conversion so you can try both. Jack
  13. defjack


    Just ordered a set of 30-40-52 they are on sale with free shipping +10% off with bentrider coupon. Check out rotorcranks .comor bentrider online.Should have a report next week somtime. Jack
  14. defjack

    In John We Trust

    I will be in San Diego for most of september so after that works for me.How about you other So Cal guys? Jack
  15. defjack

    In John We Trust

    Mark nice report Yorba Linda park sounds like a good place for a Cruzbike meeting sometime. Jack
  16. defjack

    Aerospoke Silvio

    Have you tried bringing the long stem back toward you?Mine is 9in to the edge of the 34.9 clamp to the top of the bars.
  17. defjack

    Aerospoke Silvio

    Origin 8 bars are 56cm wide if everything is adjusted knee clearance is no problem.My knees are at least 2 inches away from the bars. Jack
  18. defjack

    New booms

    After grinding and bending the derailleur the bottom was still to close to the chainring. Here is what worked for me. Filed out part of the countersink on the bracket so I could rotate the derailleur and replaced countersink screw with a round head and some washers. Went for a test ride today...
  19. defjack

    Crankset advice

    I have 170 on my Silvio and do get some knee pain but not a lot. Just put 155s with a compact on the Giant so far no pain. Im sure you will get a lot more opinions. Jack
  20. defjack

    Crankset advice

    It would work ok unless you ride lots of hills or your an old fart.Then you might consider a triple. Jack