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  1. S

    Aerospoke Silvio

    You know what, I have the best wife in the whole world....she holds it and holds it...and holds it...(the bike)..holds my coffee cup..holds my sunglasses, holds the garage door, holds my helmet...all while I go through the ritual of mounting the Silvio with no kickstand. What a gal :!: I...
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    Aerospoke Silvio

    :o Wow! I'm almost speechless? I want one of those...trailer, bike, gun rack, trailer hitch, fuzzy dice, cup holders, kick stand and all! I am a redneck so it all works for me. Here's my other bike...being ridden by my Silvio kickstand.
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    Aerospoke Silvio

    :D :D :D LOL!! You know, they do make a car seat for the Lamborghini?! I bet they have cup holders too? Er...uummm..soo..I guess this means you don't have any recommended (you-know-what) stands then huh :?: I was thinking either a two-pronged (Y shaped) stand on the bottom about center of...
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    Aerospoke Silvio

    Really? I would have never thought of that! I suppose that would be better than a local cut & weld job?? I'm not accustomed to needing one-of-a-kind parts made. It would be nice to have that extra inch or two. I'm also looking for some kind of kick-stand for the Silvio. I'm sure I'll be...
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    Silvio Connectivity

    Well....I don't have a double but I do have a fully loaded UAS (Urban Assault Silvio) with a full auto assault sniper with silencer. Mark gave me the idea when he mentioned gun racks were out of style (huh?). Imagine the sting of the ball impacting the rippled flesh of that pesky doberman that...
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    Aerospoke Silvio

    No, the plate is not missing. It's there. I think I was just not cranking it tight enough and when I hit some steeper street/sidewalk curbs with the front wheel I was struggling with the handlebar to maintain balance and pulled the bar out of alignment. A tighter turning of the clamps has...
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    Aerospoke Silvio

    Yes, I've tightened up the clamp considerably with no recent problems. Plate between the clamps? What plate? Not sure what part you're referring to? Stevearino
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    Aerospoke Silvio

    John, Thanks for the insight on Origin 8 v WTB Mountain. I'm on the lookout for the wider or widest bar available. I don't think I can get my handlebar up higher without causing other issues. Photo attached - before latest adjustment - the bar is about horizontal now. I'm not a welder Peder...
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    Silvio Connectivity

    Amen brother!! I did 25 miles this morning and hope to get another 25 in tonight after dark. I need to convert and lose all I can!! I think I'll stick with the stem for the computer for now though....even though Mark's invention is pretty darn slick. He did mention gun racks though.....I...
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    Aerospoke Silvio

    John, I'm using the WTB Mountain bar. Mark, yeah.....done that fetal curl thing too. My wife now refers to the Silvio as "The Other Woman". :roll:
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    Aerospoke Silvio

    I pulled the stem to 6.5 and rotated the bar forward quite a bit. Rode about 15 miles today and still have a slight touch of the knees to the fingers but maybe I'll get used to it. I do like the shifters lower...John was right. For me a bar that was another inch wider would be perfect. I...
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    Silvio Connectivity

    Uuummm....that is slick! No doubt a fraction of the weight of the stem. But then I'd have to put some body fat back on....oh what to do...what to do...??!! :?
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    Silvio Connectivity

    I'm on call 24/7 with the job so I had to maintain connectivity while I ride. I found a great way to do this, at least it's working so far. I mounted my Blackberry (Bluetooth cell, email and GPS) low and my computer high so I can see and operate both at a glance. A Jawbone earpiece works...
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    Aerospoke Silvio

    Yes, that is what I meant by "raising the bar". I went from 5.5 inches to 6.0. 9 would be tough on my arms...I'm ony 5' 8" tall. I think I'll jack the long stem up another inch and see what happens? I'm with you Mark....other measurements aside......who says size matters? :roll: Tx For FB...
  15. S

    Silvio Car Rack?

    My solution was the Yakama roof rack. Picture attached. I've used it quite a bit and love it. Not an economy solution but quality is top notch. You just have to be extremely careful to watch out for low hanging trees and other obstacles....huh Mark?
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    Aerospoke Silvio

    Hummm...if that's from outside end to end then the WTB Mountain and Origin 8 are the same width. Origin 8 won't solve my problem. I am a little bowlegged so that may cause my gate or cadence to be a bit wider than most? I probably have half an inch clearance now where you have 2 inches. I'll...
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    Aerospoke Silvio

    John/Mark Well, I resisted the idea initially but had to replace a shifter and decided to try turning the bars down. At about 30 degrees I realized I liked the idea but my knees were just touching my fingers by the shifters on the up side of pedaling. I raised the handlebar a half inch hoping...
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    Front shock keeps deflating!

    Update: Front fork test complete. No bubbles. Subsequent rides show same visual changes in the fork boot as previously reported however pressure changes appear to be minimal. Of course this requires many valve pressure checks and re-inflations during and after riding. Typical pressure loss...
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    Front shock keeps deflating!

    You're right about the sensitivity since this air chamber must be very small. Just checking the suspension pressure with a tire gage almost completely deflates it. I continue to see my suspension boot flatten and return to normal as I ride which completely confuses me. I hate to do it since it...
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    Front shock keeps deflating!

    Hi John, Yikes, that sounds serious. Okay I'll do it. In the meantime I rode again last night and the boot partially collapsed on the first curb I hit, slightly more on a second curb but by the time I got home (1 mile later) the boot recovered it's normal shape?? My hand pump (came used with...