Cruzbike Time Trial Challenge 2020


Zen MBB Master
Now I need to figure out how to go that hard out on the road.

It has been shown over and over again most people can work harder on Zwift than they can outside. Probably because they can focus on the exercise as opposed to worrying about road safety issues and can push harder. The message in this may be that it is smart to train on Zwift to go faster outside. I know Team Moose went outside Saturday for our first outdoor ride in a very long time. There was no question we both have become faster climbing the local hills.

Brad R

Well-Known Member
A Tale of Two Rides - "It was the best of times (Week 5), it was the worst of times (Week 6)". It felt like my legs were spinning in molasses. And the level of ache and pain required to hold the Week 5 power level felt like 80 more watts. To counter the nervousness and dread, I like to try new tactics to see if I can learn something. This past week I learned that two days isn't enough time for me to recover from and all-out effort (duh!).

I am starting to accept that I have to plan my ride calendar a bit more carefully if I want to improve my TT times. Week 5 was slow because I did a 67 mile ride with a friend who is faster than me the day before. I was pretty toasted and a little wind put the cap on a slow ride. For week 6, I only rode about 70 miles in the 6 days before and I took the day before as a complete rest day. Even with wind, I improved my best time by 52 seconds.

I added an HR monitor to my Garmin display for week 6 also. It helped me maximize my effort by making sure I didn’t let my heart rate drop too much while recovering from maximal efforts up the short hills and into the wind gusts. Familiarity with the course is starting to pay dividends also because I know when to attack to keep the lowest speeds from getting too low.

I am riding a lot more miles this year than in the last few. I don’t know how much comes from getting in more miles and how much comes from pushing really hard some of the time, but I can tell that I am getting faster. That holds for increased speed in lower HR zones also.

Anyway, I am enjoying the TT series. @LarryOz , thanks for doing all the work.

Be safe, ride smart, and ride hard when you want to.


Now I need to figure out how to go that hard out on the road.
My inner sooth-sayer sees much potential for exhaustion distraction road-rash in your future.
Bring balance to the force young Jedi LarryOz you will... er wishing you balance in the all-out efforts CruzMaster LarryOz.

Bill Wightman

Well-Known Member
I am starting to accept that I have to plan my ride calendar a bit more carefully if I want to improve my TT times.
Here are a few things that might help: 1 - never wash the outfit you had a PR in and continue to wear it stinky until it fails you, 2 - go to and pick the best day and time of day with the lowest predicted windspeed, 3 - try some beetroot juice (powder) mixed with pineapple juice one hour before the ride to keep the pipes wide open, 4 - ride about 15 miles at a slow aerobic pace to get a good warm-up just before you do the run-for-the-record, 5 - don't start too hard, 6 - bellow breath deep and slow with the diaphragm when up to speed during the run. Some of that is bound to help, or not.
A Tale of Two Rides - "It was the best of times (Week 5), it was the worst of times (Week 6)". It felt like my legs were spinning in molasses. And the level of ache and pain required to hold the Week 5 power level felt like 80 more watts. To counter the nervousness and dread, I like to try new tactics to see if I can learn something. This past week I learned that two days isn't enough time for me to recover from and all-out effort (duh!).
You and me both, hard effort Saturday, yesterday was an easy ride. Today will be yoga, and maybe a hard effort Weds and another at the weekend, weather looks good here all week


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
My inner sooth-sayer sees much potential for exhaustion distraction road-rash in your future.
Bring balance to the force young Jedi LarryOz you will... er wishing you balance in the all-out efforts CruzMaster LarryOz.
Haha Ben - Yeah - that is why I need a Trike - so I cannot fall over in my zeal for speed at my old age! :rolleyes:
This is my proto-type "Magic" by John Morciglio. I just finished building it up this weekend. Of course an extra wheel and the rear end add significantly to the weight!
I commissioned John M to build this Trike rear end for it about a year ago and it was packed away for my move. It had thought it was going to be a "tilting rear-end" but it is not. However the front does tilt as you go around the corners so it pretty cool in that regard, and still quite fast. I will be doing some testing on it hopefully this weekend.
Magic Trike.jpg


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Week #6 Cruzbike 2020 TT results and stats:

Hi Everyone - again!
Is it just me, or does time just pass faster in the summer! :)

Another fantastic week by everyone!
This week we had a total of 48 riders!
We welcome 1 new rider this week - WowGill Shiltutt down in Washington NC

Some Stats:
Most improved over PB:
Congrats to Rich Hays who beat his previous PB by 130 seconds this week! Outstanding

Points Podium: (there has been some shuffling on the podium,but the names are familiar enough! haha)

1st - Andrew Thompson : 207

2nd - Neal Brooks: 202
3rd - Jim Parker: 200
..Honorable mention: Rob Lloyd at 198 points
(There are 18 people within 60 points of the leader,so still lots of room for others on the podium with 15 weeks left)

There were 24 new PB's this week - Wow!
36 riders have ridden all 6 weeks - that is a great stat too!
One other interesting number to note is that now after 6 weeks we only have 5 riders that have PB'd every 6 weeks. Down from 12 last week.

Special mentions:
Maria Parker: who after being on vacation for a week, came back and not only slaughtered her PB by a blistering 96 secs, but set a new PB for avg. power at 170W, and avg HR at a heart stopping 179bpm - my heart is just going pitter-patter thinking about averaging that HR! I think this confirms she is going all out!
Kyle Larson: He could not ride his Cruzbike low racer at max speed (near 30mph) due to wet conditions, so he rode at half power and super hi cadence, He had set the mark at 130rpm for candence now - WOW! While doing this he also captured the "most efficient" category at 13.55 mph/W/Kg! I guess we are all less efficient at high speeds and this proves it.

Special note about changing routes:
Since we started 3 members have asked to switch their courses either because they were dangerous in some way or have or will become un-ridable due to some issue. Yes it is possible, but these are the rules:
You have to be able to prove that you are matching your effort on your new course with your PB on your old course. You can really only do that with the use of a power meter or minimally a HR monitor.
The Process:
  • Ride your new route matching your effort (Using power and/or HR)
  • You will be ranked that week at "0-delta secs" (basically as if you matched your PB time).
  • You will receive whatever points for that week that you earned from being ranked at that spot.
  • You will not receive a PB point or bonus points
  • You will retain all earlier earned points and category awards
(Since we are allowing this, I guess we can also allow someone to switch from Zwift to outdoor, or outdoor to Zwift if they really need to - but same stipulation - need to prove the same effort)

I also know the spreadsheet is getting almost too big to present from a screenshot even as a jpg from a 4K monitor. So here is a link to a googledocs spreadsheet of only the week #6 stats so you can sort and look at all the data as you like. (I have removed birthdates, emails, and weight so not sharing anything I don't normally post each week that is private). All formulas were also removed since they relied on some of that data.
Here is the link:

Looking forward to everyone's results for week #7.
Please remember to "name" your ride for me in case I have to search for it in your Strava feed - helps me out a lot!

Ride Hard and Stay Safe!
Larry Oslund

Cruzbike 2020 TT Challenge - week6 results.JPG Cruzbike 2020 TT Challenge - week6 categories.JPG


In thought; expanding the paradigm of traversity
Haha Ben - Yeah - that is why I need a Trike - so I cannot fall over in my zeal for speed at my old age! :rolleyes:
This is my proto-type "Magic" by John Morciglio. I just finished building it up this weekend. Of course an extra wheel and the rear end add significantly to the weight!
I commissioned John M to build this Trike rear end for it about a year ago and it was packed away for my move. It had thought it was going to be a "tilting rear-end" but it is not. However the front does tilt as you go around the corners so it pretty cool in that regard, and still quite fast. I will be doing some testing on it hopefully this weekend.
View attachment 9572
Emmmm 1000 watt hub motor behind each disc cover. Could be quite an eye opener .
Well, looks like no ride today, it's been very humid here all week with thunderstorms coming through every evening around post-work ride time. They're early today an not much point trying to push for a PB on a slippery technical course. The weekend looks much better, so I guess it's turbo trainer this evening and hit the tarmac at the weekend.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Does John build a mold for each part? The finish is very good and the lines are smooth.
Yes - he is an expert CF craftsman - He had builds the molds for everything he builds. I have have owned just about every bent he has ever build. He has built many rear-wheel drive ones. Only to FWD to my knowledge. I still have 2 RWD: Arrowhead, and Raptor.


Donut Powered Wise-guy
Tested out live streaming a zwift ride on twitch with Josh and Henry on discord for some colored commentary. Recorded these weeks cruzbike TT effort and unfortunately, it was a bit of a throwaway week with my power just not there. Go to 3 mins to hear me announce the segment start and the TT ends at 29:30 in the video(not the zwift in game clock). There is a cool data field I'm trying to add called MPA to the live stream but the xert website crashed just before this test so you don't get to see it until after the TT effort around 31:45 in the video. You can read up on it here

Rob Lloyd

Well-Known Member
Week 7 ride video...

Some NSFW language about midway thru when a car stops in front of me. Sorry. Don’t watch with your kids.

That reminds me, need to send my numbers to Larry. Weather was almost perfect yesterday, light south westerly, warm. Made a mistake on the final corner which lost me time on the last 500-750m, but still had a PB


I had replaced my chain this week, fine tuned the shifting and installed my new race case that was FINALLY in stock, so I was ready for my TT today. Got 3 miles in (and 3 miles from my car) and chain broke.. I thought it might be the quick link but it was two links away from the quick link. I will have to try again tomorrow. Walking the V20 3 miles in bike shoes is NOT FUN.