my tuppence worth...
a power meter won't get you up a hill, matching your gears to your ability to maintain a steady comfortable cadence will. A power meter and HR monitor may help you understand the physiology behind your comfortable cadence/gearing adn may help you see how you are improving.
My most useful tool on a hill climb is the cadence sensor and gear shifters, knowing that less than about 80 starts to really stress the knees so is not sustainable, and more than about 95 induces comedy wobbles uphill (in my case into a bank of nettles

), that gives me my parameters. Get lower than 80 for any length of time and it may be a get off and walk situation, though I've not got there yet.
No a power meter nor a cadence sensor or gadget will ever actually get you up a hill.
But will it help ? A resounding yes.
know what you can do or can’t and have that displayed in front of you .
you can then make informed decisions . Since power is not subjectively interpreted then it is the most useful metric. And can help you get up the twenty fifth hill later in the day through non subjective fatigue management.
For example. I’m excited we’ll rested and on a v I’ve just got to go go go .
I look down and see 260 270 280 watts climbing a steady 5-6% grade. Im an excited 40 klm into a 300 audax with 4000 m climbing. I know I need to back it off to 220 watts if I want to finish and ride similar again tomorrow.
No way can I feel the difference between 220 and 260 watts well rested till it’s too late. Thank you power meter.
You helped me climb those last hills.
Our platform is as described by rojo in terms of cadence and maintaining smoothness for climbing . And pinch points will always be tough. That’s extra weight and position and the only time a df has any possible advantage.
As stated if I’m going mountain climbing I’m reluctantly taking my disused 6.8 kg df wonder bike. But the earth really is flat so who needs a sore everything.
Matching your gears in the mountains is tough with the tooth gaps on 11 - 32/plus
Ultimately low speed stability and climbing strength up a steep climb is the deciding factor. Got to love cresting for that downhill....... oh no it was a false flat lol.
And last of all if I’m straining cahone bustin up a steep pinch close to failure cadence power heart rate style composure wheel slip don’t matter one jot. All there is the crest or unclipping in time.