Hmm. Feeling a bit frustrated with this bike today. Got clipped in a rode it 5mi or so. It’s new nickname is the ‘Goblin’. As in wobbly goblin. It’s so hard to keep it going straight, even clipped in. Turns are no problem, I think this thing would carve a slalom out nicely. But, forget trying to get to go in a straight line. If I concentrate on trying to keep it straight, I find myself instantly moving across both lanes toward the left shoulder. What the hell?
Does anyone near me have a V2 I can test ride? I want to see if this is just the way MBB is, or if I missed the steering geometry. I can make a new fork if I just missed it.
Oh, and the viscoset is doing nothing as far as I can tell (even set to ‘max’ as it is now). The steering is super fast which isn’t helping.
I’m gonna go ride my LWB now and relax…