Since doing a lot of both of indoor & outdoor riding this season I’ve gotten pretty good at wheel removal & replacement. I just wish I didn’t have to also remove the disc brake calipers. It may justify getting another Cruzbike.the front wheel is such a PITA to take off and put on
Here is Jim Parker's remark on keeping the chainstay and fork together from May 9, 2017:
2017 Raven Rock Ramble Comment #13
"I've learned to prop up the boom when I change a front flat so this separation won't happen, but here is another solution that works if you don't run front disk brakes:
Get the front wheel and RD back on and place two medium zip-ties as in the photo below. I put a yellow arrow on the one to put on first. Loop it through the lower disc brake mount hole and around the left fork leg. Don't zip it all the way tight yet. Next put the second zip-tie around the lower chainstay and through the other zip tie. Next alternate tightening each zip-tie until they are both really tight. Trim the excess zip-ties off and that's it! You only need to do this to the left side of the fork. The right side will stay together if the left side does."
Jim Parker, May 9, 2017Report
Great idea! I’m a big fan of the Wippermann Connex chain link. It’s super easy to remove & replace. I use the Zip ties on the left side of the fork, but it’s not necessary to thread through the bolt hole of the disc brake mount as Jim suggested.For changing a front tyre that is flat I break the chain with a powerlink tool. So easy to remove and replace the wheel with no chain.
I love mine too, makes all the difference in the world for anyone with back problems. 10 out of 10 for me too. Mines fiberglass on my T50. But for a V, or a Silvio I would spend for the carbon.He asked for pictures of my Vendetta, so he can send a rendering of what it'll look like with his seat and the Dolphin box mounted...
I was kind of thinking that I might be able to incorporate a headrest on the lid... I'll have to see what his rendering looks like...
I'm actually pretty comfy on the old fiberglass seat my Vendetta came with and was looking for a newer Vendetta Carbon Fiber seat (that I couldn't find).
Does the Thor seat make you sit up more? It seems that I've read others comment about that. I can see over the bars just fine...
@ratz if you've mounted it, I'd love to see a pic!!!
Thanks again!
Thank you sir!call it 116cm axel to axel