Maria's next record attempt


Well-Known Member
The Recumbent Journal publishes...


CONGRATS to the winners!

Jim Artis

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
I'd like folks to recall why we set out to do this record attempt. In several BROL threads since releasing the Silvio we have been saying, look, this is a fast bike. But there is always those 'experts' who like to pontificate - let me talk straight here - those who had formed a view of what the FWD MBB system can and can't do, why it ultimately can't be a super fast bike, how its ergonomically inefficient, how there is side to side motion as you travel up the road, how the involvement of the upper body and arms is 'by definition' a waste of energy as it is the feet that push pedals. For Cruzbike to come along and say we've resolved all the issues and now have a product that enables anyone to ride this format seemed to rub noses up the wrong way. Plenty of people have tried and not been able to resolve the ergonomics and handling issues, let alone design it to look good, be manufacturable, be adjustable to 95% of adult riders sizes and then have the expertise to launch a commercial product. So for us to say we'd done it was seen at that time a rather bold and apparently overreaching claim. So we were treated to our healthy share of sketicism from the online bent community's self appointed 'board-of-directors' as it were. Probably we took it all too personally, but the trash-talk drove us here at cruzbike quietly up the wall. None more so than our champion Maria Parker.

Maria got into cruzbike by riding Jim's conversion, he was a very early adopter, within the first 6 months of the release of the conversion kit. The reason he bought the kit was that as an MD and radiologist he is an expert on human anatomy and understood the importance of engaging the whole body in the cycling activity. As he said, "I surveyed all the recumbents that were available and determined that cruzbike was the best solution." When Maria rode Jim's cruzbike she knew he was right. A bike that was efficient and comfortable yet replicated road bike riding from the body's point of view. Maria has been solid behind the product from before Cruzbike Inc was created.

At our first exposure at Interbike 06, I revealed the Silvio body type and in the first pilot production run, specified a yellow Silvio to be built for Maria. I didn't discuss this, I just did it, and the frame is pictured at the end of the main Silvio page I did so as a way of making sure Maria had something special that matched her special role in the business.

So Maria had the yellow Silvio built up and began riding it. Gradually she seems to have become faster on it. At some point along the way, Jim had to switch to a Silvio from a Sofrider on their joint rides. On the last cycle NC, they did very well and posted a BROL message saying so, but of course met the reply 'if the Silvio is so good, where's the records to prove it' and 'those MBB bikes, they fish tail down the road, you cover more distance' :roll: . Then they entered the Saratoga 12 hour, where Maria discovered an ability to ride consistently well for 12 hours. Then Maria trained and did the 12 hour record attempt.

Maria's mental toughness makes her diligent in training and awesome in delivering a performance. In those aspects she has good characteristics to be an athlete. But she will tell you, and has said so elsewhere that in other sporting endeavours, running marathons for example, there were many more people who showed greater athletic ability, 'middle-of-the-packer' is her self-description.

What makes Maria a champion in my mind is the vision to identify the potential of the cruzbike MBB configuration and encourage its continued commercialisation and development, the conviction and strength of character to back her beliefs with solid training and the guts to reel off an extrodinary execution. She is indeed my champion.
johntolhurst wrote: I'd like folks to recall why we set out to do this record attempt. In several BROL threads since releasing the Silvio we have been saying, look, this is a fast bike. But there is always those 'experts' who like to pontificate - let me talk straight here - those who had formed a view of what the FWD MBB system can and can't do, why it ultimately can't be a super fast bike, how its ergonomically inefficient, how there is side to side motion as you travel up the road, how the involvement of the upper body and arms is 'by definition' a waste of energy as it is the feet that push pedals. For Cruzbike to come along and say we've resolved all the issues and now have a product that enables anyone to ride this format seemed to rub noses up the wrong way. Plenty of people have tried and not been able to resolve the ergonomics and handling issues, let alone design it to look good, be manufacturable, be adjustable to 95% of adult riders sizes and then have the expertise to launch a commercial product. So for us to say we'd done it was seen at that time a rather bold and apparently overreaching claim. So we were treated to our healthy share of sketicism from the online bent community's self appointed 'board-of-directors' as it were. Probably we took it all too personally, but the trash-talk drove us here at cruzbike quietly up the wall. None more so than our champion Maria Parker.

I haven’t noticed a negative remark from BROL lately. Many are positive or quiet! :D
There was even a major dealer that criticized the Cruzbike FWD system. They later removed the Cruzbike name in their advertisement.

I hope you have further success and get more top riders.

I still ride and like my Sofrider.

I haven’t noticed a negative remark from BROL lately. Many are positive or quiet! :D
There was even a major dealer that criticized the Cruzbike FWD system. They later removed the Cruzbike name in their advertisement.

I hope you have further success and get more top riders.

I still ride and like my Sofrider.



Well-Known Member
Hi All,
I see, as others will probably have observed, that Bentrider have posted the "offical" video of Maria's record ride.

Just as a matter of interest if anyone wants to download the YouTube video, go to the YouTube site by clicking on the video in BROL (you can get there other ways, under your own steam, but this is probably the quickest way) and in the URL that comes up in your browser, edit the URL by adding the word keep in the URL immediately before the .com, so you'll end up with blah.
That takes you to a page where you can then choose a format to download the clip/video in. This particular clip in mp4 format was 17.4MB, so if you're not on Broadband it may take a while to download.
Just thought I'd mention this as you too may wish to watch this more than once, and not want to have to keep downloading the video every time on different occasions.
It seems to me to be a bit of history.

Regards to all,
John R.
PS I had a quick look in the Cruzbike site and didn't see the same video, yet, but it may be there or it may be posted in the near future.


Well-Known Member
johntolhurst wrote: Good tip, John
and I am now watching the mp4 using
Ah yes, Media Player Classic, my default video player! My son put me on to it some time ago.
Just have to update the codecs every now and again.
John R

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
A little late to the celebration party here, I know. Been busy with family and usual fall chaos around my house. Certainly, I have been paying attention and was well aware of Maria's success> I've been so distracted, though, that I haven't been able to focus on too much more than my own goings on, which I will elaborate about in another thread, for those interested.

Congratulations to the Cruzbike family and most importantly, to Maria for her recent world record ride. I'm thrilled about this and want dearly to go on BROL and do some nose rubbing to the naysayers over there. However, I just imagine they feel enough rub without a word being said. Besides, I like to think I'm a bigger person than that.

There is a certain vindication, though, for those of us that knew what a special ride the Silvio is. I knew it the first time I sat down on Jack's bike, without ever turning a pedal. You can just tell this is an exhilirating ride; it still makes my pulse quicken after a year. Once you ride the bike and get a handle on it, you're amazed at the difference compared to a conventional RWD recumbent. That's why the naysayers were so maddening to me. They based their opinion quite loudly on heresay and on homebuilt crappy designs, not on fact, without ever seeing a Silvio, let alone riding one. Still, they expected proof from us. Now they have it and where are they? Have there been any public apologies for the name calling and mean spirited posts? Perhaps there were, but I never saw them. I really don't care, either, because I knew. We all did and I guess that's better than having the last laugh, or saying "I told you so!" I said my piece and Maria backed it up.

Congratulations to Cruzbike and congratulations to Maria. Thank you for saying, "I told you so" for all of us. Now, batton down the hatches, you'll be selling some bikes!



Well-Known Member
You never know...

I may have the opportunity to do something similar to what I did in covering Maria's 12hour world record. Shoud I do so, I'll have this in my bag of tricks.

Imagine being able to see live [streaming] video from a webcam [oh-well] that I can control pan&tilt from my worktable and event the possibility of videoconferencing with me using a second webcam and Voip and continuing, even in the rain and for extended hours, even with no AC. I've conceived a plan, I've prototyped & tested and may go live in a few weeks. I've described my concept in this article. Yes, I'm excited. Your comments are welcome here and on my blog.

