Cruzbike Time Trial Challenge 2020


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Week #4 Results: (updated with new Thur night TT riders I missed, and corrected point values)

Hi Everyone!
Another fantastic week by everyone!
This week we had a total of 50 riders!
We welcome 6 new riders - this week - Wow: Terry Duff, Linda Bowen, G.B. Bowen, Heidi Wilkes, Paul Wilkes, Keith Stancliff (Last 5 from Thursday night TT in Washington NC) - Welcome you guys!!

Some Stats:
Most improved over PB:
Congrats to Ben Gesch who beat his previous PB by 153 seconds this week

Points Podium:
1st - Neal Brooks: 144
2nd - Andrew Thompson : 138
3rd - Jim Parker: 137

There were 29 new PB's this week - Great job!
Special Mention to Kathleen Palmer who "matched" her PB this week - How hard is that to do?? - Congrats Kathleen!
Marco Ruga continues to impress not only with raw power (297 watts), but also with his incredible speed of 29.67 mph! 30 mph is within reach for sure!
Dave Mason for approaching 4 Watts/Kg - with his highest mark of 3.89 Watts/Kg -

As you can see I have segregated some of the Categories between Zwift and outside riders. This is primarily because of the inherent difference between Outside and Zwifting. With Zwifting you don't really have to let up to turn corners or turn around, therefore the rider can keep the power & cadence full gas the whole time possibly resulting in higher average numbers for power and cadence. So we have separate categories for these now.

Looking forward to everyone's results for week #5.
Please remember to "name" your ride for me in case I have to search for it in your Strava feed - helps me out a lot!

Ride Hard and Stay Safe!
Larry Oslund

Cruzbike 2020TT Challenge - week4 results.JPG Cruzbike 2020 TT Challenge - week4 categories.JPG
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Donut Powered Wise-guy
Touché @ccooper I only tied your week 4 raw power with my week 5 effort. Hopefully it doesn’t take another few weeks of disappointment to have my next improvement.

this was my first week where I didn’t have to grab a downshift to recover during the ride. Toward the end I really thought I was going to crack and I got very close but I didn’t give up. I only need 8 more second to beat the time I set during the TTT with my ATP teammates.


caveat: second run is easiest to make the greatest gains... I also had a carrot: I told my friend who is stronger than I am to ride far enough ahead that I couldn't draft... it felt as though he was always cresting the next small rise. If I even got close he would then put the power down and... I wish I had a power meter for that run. My 1st run was also paying a little more attention to potholes on a road I am not familiar with (this year). I'll relish being at the top for the week. Next weak (pun intended) I'll likely below pb in the midst of humanity.


Since I got my V20 2 1/2 years ago, i have been living on the small chainring. I have only shifted to the large ring a hand full of times, but then again i don't usually ride for speed and the course I ride lends itself to the smaller ring. Since i am going for speed on the TT, i have noticed that i am maxing out the small ring, so this week i decided to do the entire TT in the large ring and boy did I feel like i was flying! Of course there is a difference between perception and reality as i was 6 second slower today than last week. Oh well. I still think I will stick to the large ring for the TT.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure I could go 1 mph faster if I could somehow shrink my massive feet from size 48 down to something more reasonable.
Week #5. I think I'll be making another attempt Saturday. This one doesn't look good at all.
View attachment 9508
I see I am not the only one making graphs out of the info they get each week. I am only tracking time though to see where I am gaining each week and making notes as to wind direction and speed as well as if anything significant happened knee pain at the end of week 1 chain falling off the idler week 2 rain week 5. I get my data points by using the flyby in Strava and recording the time of day at each split.

Bill Wightman

Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure I could go 1 mph faster if I could somehow shrink my massive feet from size 48 down to something more reasonable.
Perhaps actor John Wayne would have been good at this as he had feet that were way too small for his frame. That is why he walked funny.
On a different note, I think it can be attributed to Maria Parker (if not, then my apologies) that it helps with speed to snug your back down and into the seat. My experience is that it causes you to slide a little forward, reducing frontal area of shoulders a little and providing a slightly more crowded leg position. It feels more powerful to me but slightly strains the knees so I use it to get back up to speed after cornering, then slide back a bit for a longer leg extension.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
Perhaps actor John Wayne would have been good at this as he had feet that were way too small for his frame. That is why he walked funny.
On a different note, I think it can be attributed to Maria Parker (if not, then my apologies) that it helps with speed to snug your back down and into the seat. My experience is that it causes you to slide a little forward, reducing frontal area of shoulders a little and providing a slightly more crowded leg position. It feels more powerful to me but slightly strains the knees so I use it to get back up to speed after cornering, then slide back a bit for a longer leg extension.
One of the keys I have found is to made sure my feet are carving a hole in the wind for my shoulders. There is a sweet spot that just has to be experimented with and tested somewhere where you can make a change, test, change, test, duplicate, etc


I bet if I rode a fraction as many km or a fraction as consistently as any of you I would go a lot faster.


Off the long run
I bet if I rode a fraction as many km or a fraction as consistently as any of you I would go a lot faster.
You're right there. You don't get better at something by not doing lots of it. Priority right now is trying to find a little practice for the abortive cricket season we might get some of, then underlying fitness, and then once a week I do this for fun on an absolute cast-iron shed - up and down the roof-tops of Wiltshire. Speaking of which, still got to get this week's one in and it's windy. No PB for me.
No PB for me this week either. Had no time earlier in the week, yesterday it started raining at 8am and didn't stop.

That left just today, gusty NW wind, not the best for the new course, and just as I started it started raining. I was hoping for just a quick shower, but by the time I finished it was steady and heavy. That had me taking what would normally be fast downhill corners much more cautiously as well as losing time on what would normally be a fast section of the course. Result, nearly 2mins down for a higher effort.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
No PB for me this week either. Had no time earlier in the week, yesterday it started raining at 8am and didn't stop.

That left just today, gusty NW wind, not the best for the new course, and just as I started it started raining. I was hoping for just a quick shower, but by the time I finished it was steady and heavy. That had me taking what would normally be fast downhill corners much more cautiously as well as losing time on what would normally be a fast section of the course. Result, nearly 2mins down for a higher effort.
Please send me you ride link - thanks
Since I got my V20 2 1/2 years ago, i have been living on the small chainring. I have only shifted to the large ring a hand full of times, but then again i don't usually ride for speed and the course I ride lends itself to the smaller ring. Since i am going for speed on the TT, i have noticed that i am maxing out the small ring, so this week i decided to do the entire TT in the large ring and boy did I feel like i was flying! Of course there is a difference between perception and reality as i was 6 second slower today than last week. Oh well. I still think I will stick to the large ring for the TT.

And here's me thinking I'm going to do a ride in the middle ring to get the highest cadence record!


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
And here's me thinking I'm going to do a ride in the middle ring to get the highest cadence record!
There is obviously a balance there. It is really hard to maintain anything over 100rpm unless you ride like that all the time and adjust to it. I am convinced you can eventually adapt and become more efficient in that higher range and eventually push yourself harder.


Well-Known Member
I got a power PB this week but too much wind for a time PR.

My highlight this week was doing my first ever imperial double century on Thursday. I felt good on the day but was walking like a stormtrooper the next day. Thought my legs were going to be dead when I started the TT today as I was still knackered yesterday, but I got going ok and ended up 4w higher than last week.

If I can lose 1 more kg or add another 5w I will get to 4 w/kg for the first time ever. I’ve been trying for three years... Losing 10% of my body weight since Christmas has finally made it a realistic possibility.


Active Member
Touché @ccooper I only tied your week 4 raw power with my week 5 effort. Hopefully it doesn’t take another few weeks of disappointment to have my next improvement.

this was my first week where I didn’t have to grab a downshift to recover during the ride. Toward the end I really thought I was going to crack and I got very close but I didn’t give up. I only need 8 more second to beat the time I set during the TTT with my ATP teammates.

You did better than I did. Not heeding my own advice, I went out too hard. Halfway through I realized I couldn't hold it, and gave up. In rowing, we call it "handle down". So we're tied for max power. Hopefully I can rebound next week.