super slim
Zen MBB Master
Yes I used it on a df cf frame with alloy seatpost. It might work but under the band clamp the tolerance is tight. Think cigarette paper .
The wet n dry would work as slim suggested right up till it rained.
I guess I’m really interested in why it started to slip in the first place.
Is the clamp flogged out fatigued or ...........waiting to fail at a most inopportune moment. I would highly doubt that.
Would a new clamp stop the creep.
There are no noticeable by eye wear indications on the boom.
But for the last 150 klm it’s stayed put with a strip of electrical tape on the boom under the clamp.
To stay put for a month is good!
Have you used tape under the clamp before, as this might have stretched the clamp!
I would buy a new clamp from Cruzbike.
In the meantime, a second clamp for the 44.4 mm OD boom, could stop the boom moving forward, IF you could find one!!!!!.

Could you roughen up the inside surface of the clamp