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  1. DavidCH


    Hi, I noticed over a long period of time that after riding my V20 for many months that my shorts are wearing out at the small of my back; lumbar region. First of all does this show that I have a correct resting posture on the seat? I am not using the Thor seat, just the standard carbon seat that...
  2. DavidCH

    A bout of purism

    OK... I got on my knees today for the first time to see what sort of improvements are needed aerodynamically and oddly enough the biggest eye sore was the rear derailleur; it's way weird with the smallest sprocket giving the most drag. Even the main housing of the derailleur is like the sail to...
  3. DavidCH

    Opening up Pandoras Box

    I love the Vendetta... I regard it as a race horse on steroids. Here's the thing. As usual it's a tradeoff. Engineering is a science of compromise. If you have the money , you can go for a Rolls Royce Solution. Is it worth flashing the cash and buy a sram Eagle axs cassette or stick with...
  4. DavidCH

    Sram cassettes - value for money

    Well Hi Tribe, To spin well, or not to spin well that is the question? Do you think it helps to spend $300 on a cassette if it makes you break all your PBs? I have a 12 speed shimano cassette and it works until I want to push more than 300 watts on t11,t12,t13 and t14 sprockets. I get chain...
  5. DavidCH

    Mixing it

    The weather has finally turned to the better. I ventured out today on a longer run. I had planned to try to get to the top of a steep hill today and bomb down from the top. I haven't done this ride for a long time and it always makes me overboil. Today , I got half way up the hill and found out...
  6. DavidCH

    Outstanding prices

    Hello, just wondering if anyone else really hates buying cruzbike stuff due to the high prices. I just bought a boom clamp for the vendetta and had to pay total cost of €66.50 which in USA terms is probably $78 :(, that was after shipping and custom taxes. It's a joke. If there was a factory...
  7. DavidCH

    Wear and Tear

    I noticed with all my years of riding that the small of my back suffers the worst wear on my skinsuits. How about you? If everything was geared for better efficency then surely it would be even wear throughout or on the shoulders, or does it? (I only ride the vendetta)
  8. DavidCH

    T50 Rent and go

    I saw an escooter unsolicited rental arrangement that could be achieved by a phone app. You have to give your id and payment by the phone and it would sync with the escooter that you were picking up off the street. I was impressed with the amount of trust that the organisers had in the system...
  9. DavidCH

    The flop

    Falling off a DF on a recovery ride is worse than falling off the vendetta at race speed. I have done both. Pretty sure I cracked a rib as I can't laugh. 3rd day with a juicy elbow and a swollen right hand. So how could I avoid it? I had a tubeless front that sort of flatted but gave out when...
  10. DavidCH

    The last mile

    Well, things are improving. Getting even more into riding my vendetta. I bought a skinsuit from aliexpress and it came with a thick pad. I practiced key hole surgery on the pad and it ended up like plucking a chicken... but it's certainly an improvement. So hydration for me is ultra important...
  11. DavidCH

    Definetely a coffee read... updating the motor

    So every day is a revelation , well it can be. There is me wanting desperately to maximise my fitness without having to buy an in-house trainer and matching TV. Only to find out that antihistamines can effect training. Unfortunately like so many others I suffer with allergies and this spring...
  12. DavidCH

    12/13 speed systems aero

    Well Well Well What's brewing in the pot? I bought and received 2 sram flat topped 12 speed chains. I can tell you now ... that chain is a win win chicken dinner. Its so slippery its like an eel and even more so its aero. Stone have produced an aero 12 speed chainring that fits in place of...
  13. DavidCH

    Why have 12speed when you can have 13?

    OK... I noticed a trend coming out of China that they are producing one piece , high quality cmc machined 12 speed cassettes that are shimano hyper glide compatible ... so it's not too difficult to imagine a 13th 42t sprocket sitting at the end of it. Why have 12 speed when you can have 13...
  14. DavidCH

    Into thy hands

    So... I find spinning fast created too much body movement so I feel less inclined to go faster than 50kph. So after a bike fit a couple of years ago... the fitter said... you need to find a specialist to see what's up as the pressure on the saddle and the power on the pedals was considerably...
  15. DavidCH

    Please... someone talk me out of this upgrade

    Hello "The feet is not spinning but the mind is" Never dealt with Campagnolo but I am thinking of using their Ekar 1x13 drive chain. Will the axle of their crank fit my bb? Will the cassette fit my hub or will the hub have to be replaced? I am thinking of ditching the weight and make things...
  16. DavidCH

    Caught napping after a hard ride

    LOL What should one do? Say i really needed that. Reach out for the energy drink Make sure you get a double. expresso after lunch. Or don't workout so hard.
  17. DavidCH


    Oh boy... just back from an incredible exhilarating ride. For the last few times taking out the vendetta I have been getting some kind of door creaking sound from the front assembly of the V20. After testing this that and the other ... the only place left was the headset bearings. So ...
  18. DavidCH

    Adjustable head rest

    Looks good eh! It's the cruzbike one that I ordered in November. Spanish customs don't like things from the USA. I had so many nightmares with this. When is cruzbike going to have a factory outlet in the EU? If Elon can do it... I am sure Jim can too. The postage cost me $30 and the customs...
  19. DavidCH

    Superwheel - a revelation or a con

    So what's your take on this:- Is it baloney or legit?
  20. DavidCH

    Chain Reaction

    It's a sad day. My days of glory are curtailed ... I have been refining the engine since February... from which I had a terrible virus that had kept me low and in quarantine for weeks and consequently overweight. So what did I do in quarantine... well I upgraded the vendetta and put a TRP spyre...